Who received a hope? Bobby
Hope from: MM40GL
I am not sure what to pray for. My son wants to be a girl. Am I supposed to pray against this, or that he finds truth? People say this is a sin but he is an innocent boy. Please pray for me and my family. What do I do?

Who received a hope? me
Hope from: Cartier
I am worried that I am not good enough for Jesus. Noone likes me here so why should he. Please think i'm good enough, in Jesus name amen.

Who received a hope? USA
Hope from: Moses
I am not trying to pray against anyone, but I am praying that we get the right leader for the USA and that people see that Hillary Clinton is going to be horrible for us.

Who received a hope? Me
Hope from: Megan2017
I feel bad putting this on here when so many others have needs and prayers that are greater than mine. I am praying for anyone to ask me to homecoming. This is my last year and no one has ever asked me so I am not sure what is wrong with me.

Who received a hope? Me
Hope from: liquidhate
I am praying for the ability to forgive. I am not going to put details here, but much has been done to me and I am having a hard time forgiving. I would appreciate any prayers so that I can find peace.

Who received a hope? Babies
Hope from: Nevermama
I will probably get alot of hate for posting this, but I have to. I had some abortions before and I pray for my babies. Please pray for their souls even if you can't pray for me thank you.

Who received a hope? Victims
Hope from: worldwatch
Today would have been your 35th birthday. I'm sending a prayer your way and for all of the victims of 911. Sometimes it is so hard to go on without you and not hate those who did this. I miss you. The History channel is going to be airing specials on 911 in a few weeks. I don't know if I can bear to watch.

Who received a hope? GeneWilder
Hope from: BBKing
RIP Gene Wilder. You were one funny man and now you can make people laugh that are greater than all of us. Salute.

Who received a hope? Dad
Hope from: Jonelle72
Dad I just wanted you to know that I'm praying for you and that the results for tomorrow will be good and after that we won't have to worry anymore. I love you.

Who received a hope? Becky
Hope from: GL65
Becky has been given three months to live. We have her on the prayer list at church but I wanted to post here for her too. Please extend a prayer to her as she is a wonderful lady.