Welcome to PostaHope!
This FREE site is for posting your intents, prayers, wishes and desires. By putting them in written word, it furthers the intent and gains power. Is there a prayer or a hope that you would like to put out into the universe and to your higher power?
Quantum physics has shown that thinking of something is enough to change the properties of an object at the cellular and molecular level, so it goes to reason that focusing on an intent or prayer will have a magnifying effect. But sometimes people have a difficult time holding their attention to a specific focus, which can diminish the desired effect or make it less than it could be.
The more you repeat an intent, focus, or prayer, the more power you give it. This is the basic concept of positive thinking.
Thinking is the first step in manifesting and receiving what you are asking for. Putting it to words adds more focus because you have had to think it at least twice. Posting it adds a 3rd level of focus because it's now out there in the universe. If someone reads your intent and wishes the same for you, it gains momentum. It is the power of prayer and thought that allows what you are wishing for to manifest. It is truly a gift to be able to add your hopes, prayers and blessings to someone in need.
Ask with a clean conscience and the right intent. Ask and you shall receive.
Putting your Intent into Words is a great first step in cultivating mindfulness. For those of you interested in furthering your skills and knowledge in Focus, Mindfulness, and Meditation, check out our Courses page.

Who received a hope? BrianJ
Hope from: BJ75
Please forgive me for the bad things I done and make me a better person before its too late

Who received a hope? PSW
Hope from: Lea
Praying that you will see her for who and what she really is. #notworthit #totalloser #wasteofair

Who received a hope? Me
Hope from: Saria
hear my prayer that the long term negative force in my life will be remedied. I have tried and tried. I have taken a back seat. I have taken the higher road. I can't do it anymore. It is crushing and I have done nothing to deserve it. I'm not an angel so I should have to act like it :( I cannot take it anymore. Please, eliminate that negative force in my life from me forever. Amen.

Who received a hope? Dad
Hope from: Shulia

Who received a hope? HandSandF
Hope from: Buttercup
A prayer for my friend H who is exahusted and who has been busy taking care of her husband who has been ill (and who is also my friend) S. A prayer for Frosty who has also underwent some health problems. A prayer for these wonderful three beings that all issues resolve and that they can get back to their normal happy life. I miss them and haven't seen them in a while.

Who received a hope? Everyone
Hope from: EarthAngel
Title: Prayer for Enlightenment
Praying that everyone will strive to achieve a higher evolution and not get stuck in ruts that have held them hostage since childhood.

Who received a hope? Prince
Hope from: PostaHope
Please pray that this baby named Prince gets a good home. He was an innocent victim.

Who received a hope? Rae
Hope from: Huma
Title: What goes around comes around
I hope that you get what is coming to you. You have had a long run with your lies and manipulations and deceit. I've been the bigger person all this time. How I pray for your demise.

Who received a hope? TheWronged
Hope from: WatchnWait
Praying for immediate karma to visit those that cannot break free from their hatred and jealousy. If karma is not theirs in this lifetime, it will haunt the in the next. Please grant me the serenity of their retribution.

Who received a hope? RoverG
Hope from: Jonelle72
Please send good wishes and prayers for my dog. Something is bothering him and we can't quite figure out what it is. He's not the frisky boy he usually is :(